Wednesday 7 July 2010

Why 3D is a sign of the Apocalypse

So by now you’ll all have seen that the dreaded 3rd dimension as infected all of Hollywood, with movies been translated in post-production (the new ‘Clash of the Titans’ for example), modern works on the horizon (the final Harry Potter films to be shot in 3D), and even old films being transferred (‘Star Wars’), so yeah thanks for that Cameron. Well I blame Cameron, but he’s not all to blame for this plague (and it is a plague, though you may not see it yet), so with pessimism cranked to 11, let’s just take a look at why “3D is a sign of the apocalypse”.

I hate 3D movies because: 3D was around in the 1980s and died out because it was the reserve of bad sequels such as 'Jaws 3D' and 'Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare' (a.k.a 'Nightmare on Elm Street 6'), though is these days used on good movies; 3D often seems tacked on, a gimmick that achieves nothing (a prime example being 'Alice in Wonderland'), the main reason the studios are throwing it onto all it's big movies is because it's a lot harder to pirate 3D movies; the apparent extra immersion and engagement in the film fails (actually takes me out of the experience) because (a) the glasses are so huge the frame inevitably lies in your peripheral vision, and so your eyes are trying to focus on the glasses and the screen at the same time so (it's defocusing your eyes - permanent damage and) blurring the picture, it is also anti-engaging because (b) you notice that it is 3D, pointy-pointy-on-your-my-head-annoity-noitty, and so are thinking about it being 3D and not being absorbed into the film (exceptions include when it is more subtle, in which case...why do it in 3D then...or using it for depth of field, as used in 'Avatar'...but one can get camera lenses that can put everything in focus anyway, it's been possible since 'Citizen Kane' in 1941 so 3D is not needed there either); if one is using the classic red/blue glasses then all the colours are ruined by red and blue tint, if one is using the new 'real 3D' glasses then the dark lenses mean a 30% colour loss; another thing is that the 3D is hyped to be such a spectacular selling point that (like the 1980s again) people are using it as an exception to things like a good script, so if people follow suit then writing will get gradually worse, films get stupider, audiences get stupider. So in summary: at best, it fails to do what it sets out to (engage the audience so you don't know you're watching a film, which can be achieved, as it is in the past, a crazy idea...make a good movie), at's the end of the world.

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