Yes as usual I have trouble sticking to anything longer than a biscuit...and even then my short term memory loss might kick in after one bite and I forget where I left the other half; I only know I haven't eaten a whole one because I don't feel like I've eaten that much.
It's a wonder I watch so many TV shows, when it means I have to come back to it and give up an hour of my time each week. Actually I know how, boxsets. I watch most stuff back-to-back rather than weekly. For example: I watched season 1 of 'True Blood' when it first aired in the UK on FX. I enjoyed it, but thought it still had untapped potential. I gave Alan Ball my trust (he's already created the award winning 'Six Feet Under' - A show I'm still getting into, nearly finished season 1 - and writer of 'American Beauty' - one of my favourite films, that I could watch all day on repeat - among other things) that he would improve and develop it. It is. I watched Season 2 back-to-back, in time for Season 3 to start in US (hello online viewing that I often partake in). I watched the first episode. Great, the next week comes around, I never got round to it (there was slight crossover this year, as 'Breaking Bad' S3 finished as 'True Blood' S3 started, same day you see, Mondays, anyway the excellent 'Breaking Bad' has finished now after castrating me with my own jaw as it dropped during all the artistic genius and soul destroying suspense. Now my only excuse for not watching on Monday, is watching other stuff; whatever I'm into at the time, which is supposed to be 'Firefly' at the moment, come back to that, before we have the world's longest digression, get used to this if you're going to actually read these mad scrawlings and if I can even be bothered to exercise my freedom of speech on a regular basis), so yeah, I didn't watch it, I kept telling myself I'll do it tomorrow (of course I have a huge procrastination problem which I'll go into later...see, I just did it again), but never did, next Monday came, and I told myself I would have a double bill, my old friend procrastination dropped by and I got chatting to him again...anyway the long and short of it is, that a couple of days ago was episode 4 and I've only seen 1...triple bill? It's ridiculous, almost as ridiculous as offering a little example and then taking up most of the blog entry with it.
Anyway, I might do some more "proper stuff" soon, if you're lucky (or unlucky depending on how you feel about my style, hello Mr examiner marker, here's a lookin' at chu). God I'm terrible. Anyway the blog's more for me than you anyway, isn't it?! So...sod you all.
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