Monday, 12 July 2010

Predators Review

This film only had to deliver an action film with mindless fun featuring many of the badass honourable hunters from space. It does that...and more.

This film was a treat. I went in hearing good but not great reviews, but I thought it really was impressive, a pleasant surprise, and was an absolute joy from start to finish.

Let's start with the negative (I am a pessimist after all): I thought the direction (while competent, and directed the action with, thankfully, comprehensible editing and lighting) could have been more adventurous and stylish, but it was fairly standard Hollywood fair, which is fine, and successfully absorbed me for most of the film; I did get taken out of the film by all the (overused) allusions to the original 'Predator', right from the first scene, I feared that the film would be a list of references, it doesn't go that far, but it is a bit much; the CGI is poor, but thankfully minimalistic in the film, giving way to latex suits, animatronics, fake blood, etc.; I was dissapointed by the fact that the ending is left open, likely setting up a sequel which would likely try to do more of the same thing this film does, missing the point that sequels need to be different; also they could have done more with the themes, it didn't quite go the final mile with it.

Right that's it then, let's get on with the praise.

The film builds with the first act being very suspenseful and bravely holds back on revealing the creatures (effective for fans, and would really be effective for people who aren't familiar with the creature design; which by the way, is really, really nice, bringing new fear and badassery to the predators, really surprised and impressed by it...I digress), this actually works really well and builds to a natural climax. The action scenes get bigger as the film goes on, and the suspense makes the action all the better when it comes.

While the idea of making a sequel bigger (more explosions, creatures, etc.) is unoriginal, it never feels formulaic. The action is comprehensible unlike the previous Predator's movie appearance (the dreadful 'Aliens vs Predator: Requiem' with the worst lighting and editing I can think of) and is really sit up, exciting.

In 'Predator' all the cast and characters were well defined (even if they were archetypes like, the black one, and the red indian) and likewise here, even more so, the performances across the board are great with Brody giving the lead a dark and more downplayed edge (in fact he's definitely an anti-hero, probably leaning more toward antagonistic...which is brave). There's no time to examine all characters greatly, but they're all played to top notch and make enjoyable, distinguished performances. All the characters have their moment to shine and while don't make one feel great sympathy for them on death, you do feel a bit, "ah, I liked him". I did have a favourite character having said which I did feel more for, the dark comic relief that is Topher Grace (who I hadn't really seen before, didn't appreciate at least when he was short changed with a shoddy run time as Venom in 'Spider-man 3').

The themes: the film didn't have to have any depth, it could have been mindless, but studies humanity vs survival and how it's a give and take issue. One of my slight disappointments with the film, is that the themes didn't go the final mile with it, but I give it kudos for having any depth, and in fact tackling a different issue to the usual stuff like morality (which is always good like).

Lastly the individual points should include: the look of the film, particularly in Noland's hideout when the film reveals orange lights when I realised, that the colour scheme is the same as the original. The predator franchise colour scheme is green and orange, and they had that. The music from the original is in place (a welcome return), and things like the flares in the dark (but deliberate and comprehensible darkness) tunnels evoke 'alien'; all in all the film looks and feels more like the great original 'Predator' and 'Alien' films more than 'Predator 2' or either of the 'AVP' films ever did.

In summary: this is not a cash in heartless sequel trying to repeat the original formula poorly for the money. 'Predator 2' replaced the jungle for the city, and Arnie for Danny Glover with cops and gangs instead of mercenaries and soldiers...but this is different. It is a rare case of a true sequel...not made for the money....but revealed more of the predator civilisation instead and told a story that deserved to be told. It adds to the original film experience. It develops the Predator franchise instead of milking what was. What more could you want from a sequel?

Possibly on par with the original...this is how a sequel should be done!

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