Wednesday, 7 July 2010


A run down of my music scenario. I feel I should (by blog logic at least) my iPod issue. I held off getting an iPod or any music player really for a long time because I did not think I would use it. iPod Video was released, and being a movie buff I figured that this was the time. I got it. Of course it was very nice (it's an Apple product after all). Black, 30GB, classic design with the iconic click wheel. The iPhone and iPod Touch came out, and I had a decision to make. The iPhone was a lot more expensive (what contract!) and apparently didn't serve well as a phone, additionally I'm a clumsy forgetful oaf who is notorious for losing or breaking things (particularly phones, watch straps, laptop power cables and headphones), so I didn't want to put all my eggs in one basket, so I got the iTouch 16GB. By this point, it had been established that I did in fact use my iPod for music, a lot, much more than anything else, it was barely out of my ear (this continues to this day). iTouch it was. I purchased, nearly a year later, it went missing (hey, it lasted a year!), xmas came along and the shiny new iTouch was out (2nd Generation). I asked, I received. Now this is also 16GB and has lasted me till now, but a few weeks ago I reached maximum capacity with a lot to be desired, add to that the headphone jack was damaged (somehow) shortly after so now only the right headphone works. I look at upgrades. 3rd Gen. iTouch has been out a little whole now, £206 32GB, or iPhone just came out 32GB, their prices are now more reasonable (not that much more than £206 and continue paying £30 per month like I am now, with my phone contract)....sadly not only is the iPhone 4 of course out of stock for a few weeks (and I need this sorted for when I go away for 2 weeks on the 19th of July), but contract restrictions designed to confuse me say no. So I'm buying the latest iTouch by the looks of it. My brother has a 1st Gen. one, my Dad just bought the 3rd Gen and my Mum wants the 2nd Gen after I fix it, so we will all have one in the family, weird.

Anyway: I have an eclectic range of music on my iPod, but primarily I listen to soundtracks mainly because I find they evoke the most raw feeling, and often simply remind me of the TV of film they were used in, so it can be a cheap and easy way to relive great TV/movie/game moments. My favourite show is probably 'Dexter' (although having said that I watch so much good stuff, and it seems like every time I see a great episode of something, I'm pressured to re-evaluate, this is pretty much weekly), and most of 'most played' songs are from the fantastic 'Dexter' Season 1 soundtrack. The show is going into it's 5th season this September and I was wondering where are the other soundtracks. Much to my gleeful surprise I found last night (after unexplained delay) that seasons 2 and 3 combined soundtrack was released just Monday of this week (July 3rd, 2010...I think that was Monday, no I tell a lie, it was Saturday) and I instantly downloaded it straight to my iPod from iTunes application. Damn good. Not as good. But good.

That post wasn't as interesting as I thought it would be. Well I was excited for it anyway. I don't really get excited for music. It's just sort of there isn't. You don't get like trailers, like you do for films, you wouldn't get like a few seconds of the track taken from here and there played out in the wrong order and then told if you want to listen to it properly you have to wait a few months, it just wouldn't work.

Anyway yeah, this isn't as amusing as I thought, but I'll post it anyway as it's better than no more posting for a year. I'm in the mood for it now, but who knows when a blogging urge might come along again, next blue moon?

I suppose I could talk about how I go through phases with songs like anything. Food, drink, games, films, TV shows and music. All I will find something I like then repeat it over and over for ages, so for example I'm currently drinking Robinson's diluted orange juice, and I tend to listen to one track of music on repeat until I get bored of it, then leave it for a while. I always need something next coming down the line for when I get bored. I've got a back log of TV and Movies to watch, but it's whatever I feel like watching at the time, I haven't been in a movie mood for ages (a little while ago, I was on a steady 1 new film a day diet, but I've lost the discipline... committing to a 2 hour film seems too much), I'm sort of in-between obsessions you could say. TV wise I'm still on a high from this years Dr Who (probably do a separate blog post on that) so I've been re-watching this season and watching classic episodes online.

Lastly and hopefully the most entertaining sub topic to discuss can be what music I don't like. Well I'm pretty open minded really. But most modern music is bollocks let's be honest. Most modern "music" consists of dance, rave stuff. It's not music. It lacks any sort of real tune, melody or meaningful lyrics, there's certainly no talent to it. Nothing that makes up a song. It's simply a synthesised noise repeated and overlapping itself at various intervals to an excessive amount of base and the occasional cuss word. It's really dire. It's probably some bloody maternal thing. Something about that monotonous base reminding them (on a subconscious level) of mummy's heartbeat when they kicking it back, back in the womb.

Anyway, I think I've bored you all enough now, I know I'm bored just looking at it, so much so, I can't be bothered to proof read if there're any spelling or grammar mistakes...that's why.

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